As someone who married young, I know firsthand the challenges that come with navigating love, affection, and communication in relationships. It's not always easy to express ourselves authentically, especially when we’re afraid of rejection or difficult conversations. I can remember so many times when I struggled to feel comfortable with physical affection or to find the right words to express my love and appreciation. Can you relate?
The truth is, we all carry emotional burdens - what I call "emotional bowling balls" - whether they stem from our relationships, careers, or past experiences. These heavy weights can hold us back from living fully and honestly. They can be the hurts and wounds that we carry with us at night, the anxiety we feel in the workplace, or the pain from a difficult family situation. But here's the beautiful thing: we have a choice. We can choose to set those bowling balls down and free ourselves from that pain and anxiety.
However, it's important to remember that setting down our emotional bowling balls doesn't mean diminishing or invalidating our emotions. Our feelings and emotions are very real and should be acknowledged. But we have the power to decide whether we want to continue carrying those burdens with us. We can choose to let them go and lose the weight of those bowling balls, giving ourselves the freedom to live more authentically.
One practice that has been transformative for me in letting go of some of those emotional burdens, especially during my divorce from my first marriage, is carving out time alone to tell myself my own story. It takes courage to look closely at our most painful memories, but by setting aside time to voice them to ourselves out loud, over and over, we can begin to release the hurt and find healing.
If you're going through a divorce or separation, dealing with neglect or addiction, or struggling with codependency, I encourage you to carve out that sacred time for yourself. Allow the tears to flow until you feel a sense of release. And remember - you are not alone in this journey.
Honesty and authentic communication are essential not only in our personal lives but also in our relationships with colleagues and team members. When we approach conversations with openness and vulnerability, we create space for genuine connection and growth. It's not always comfortable, but it's always worth it.
So, my friends, let's be brave together. Let's have the beautiful, honest conversations that our souls crave. Let's release the fear and anxiety that hold us back and embrace what is true and authentic to us. Remember, you have the power to set down those emotional bowling balls, in your relationships and in your work. You don't have to carry them with you for a lifetime.
Again, I want you to know that you aren’t alone. I have felt these things too. But together, we can lose the weight of those burdens and embrace our most authentic selves. And we can choose to feel the love, healing, and the freedom that comes with dropping those bowling balls and living honestly.
I’m here, always cheering you on.
💙 Quinn