You Are The Race Car, What Fuel Do You Need?

We know that race cars need good fuel in their tanks in order to get out onto the race track.
As people, food is our fuel. Everybody needs a little something different, because all of our engines, while similar, really are unique. We need to find what works best for each of us. Otherwise, how are we supposed to even be a part of the race, let alone win it?
So, what have I used as fuel for my own tank over the years?
Well honestly, even though this has changed in certain ways through my different seasons of life, some basics have remained constant. We all have those essential needs that keep us grounded in who we are. For me, it’s a high amount of water each day. Without it, I get headaches and start leaning on sugar more.
Next on my list are smaller meals packed with fruits and vegetables.
When people say, "eat more fruits and veggies," it sounds like a broken record. So let’s try, “make it easier and more enjoyable to eat your fruits and veggies.”
It really makes a difference when you take the time to prep fruits that you actually love, not just falling back on those old apples sitting on the counter that no one wants. We often forget that fruits and veggies can actually be enjoyable! For example, I love watermelon. When I meal prep and have a container of cut watermelon ready, I reach for it. If it’s just a big ol’ melon sitting on the counter, I know I’m not going to get to it during the week. The key is having fruits and veggies ready to grab, not necessarily in 27 different containers, but just prepared enough to be convenient.
The same goes for vegetables. When they're already prepped and easy to grab, I'm more likely to eat them. I love veggie dips, especially the one I make at home with avocado-based mayo, sour cream, fresh dill, and seasonings that I love. It’s another way to make sure I enjoy eating my veggies. And for evening meals, real butter on vegetables makes them so delicious that I can’t resist.
Through trial and error I’ve learned that I simply can’t sustain myself on fast food or gas station snacks — and for that matter, neither can my kids! Excessive packaged products, packaged juices, and vitamin waters don’t help me function at my best. My body shows signs when I rely too much on pre-made things. We recently hosted a family wedding on our property, and afterwards were left with an abundance of rich food — meats, cheeses, chocolates, breads, and more — and after indulging in them I noticed my body reacting. My hands and joints were sore, and I realized it was due to those heavy foods. In past seasons of my life I enjoyed caffeine, but in my present season I don’t have it often. Well, after joining my family for morning coffees and using rich creamers a few times while preparing for the wedding, my body went on protest. It was telling me “this isn’t the fuel we like!”
It’s essential to know how you optimally feel and recognize what your body needs. For busy moms, it can be hard to stop and listen to your body because you’re constantly fueling your kids and often lose awareness of your own needs. That’s what I mean by different seasons of life. But ultimately, we have to give ourselves the space to recognize when we’re thirsty, eating too much sugar, or letting caffeine creep back into our daily routines. Self-awareness is key, and I say that here in this blog with a self-deprecating smile. We need to be right with ourselves so we can be right with others. It’s taken me a long time to understand this. I used to make excuses, saying I didn’t have time to take care of myself because I was too busy putting out fires — whether it was in the salon, dealing with employee satisfaction, or making decisions for our other businesses. But the truth is, I can’t put out those fires effectively when I’m running on bad fuel. My engine doesn’t run well on the measly fumes that rich, pre-packaged foods give me. For those of us with goals, who want to be able to power through our days and accomplish milestones without being pulled up short, we must look at what we’re putting into our bodies.
And of course, as a race car we’re always going to end up coming back to the pit lane during our races. That means having a good team around you, because while the food we put in our tanks is one part of the Race Car Formula, filling up on your connection with others is important, too. Those people you’ve got on your pit crew are who will help you tune yourself back up to get back on the track. As a salon owner and stylist, I love connecting with people, and I mean truly getting to know them. I realized that when I wasn’t genuinely connecting with others, I felt empty and drained. I wasn’t even connected to myself, and that made it hard to connect with those I loved. We must fuel ourselves with what helps us thrive, because part of winning whatever “race” you’re in means bringing your team with you across the finish line, too.
Seasons of life may change, but whether you’re a new mom or or out hustling building your business (or both, I’ve been there), we know that how we connect with others matters. How we connect with our kids, our partners, and our loved ones matters. Let’s not lie to ourselves just because life is busy right now, those relationships are what life is all about! Taking care of ourselves by being mindful of our fuel, so that we have the energy to show up well for them, is so worth it.
When we’re not functioning optimally, we can’t count ourselves out. We need to take responsibility for what we want, and if we don’t finish the race, if we don’t win in the ways we want to, we have to lovingly give ourselves permission to start again. When a race car doesn’t finish the race, the mechanics bring it back to the garage and check every component. The car isn’t junked — it’s cared for. We need to do the same for ourselves. Starting day one over and over again is part of the process. It took me five years of starting day one repeatedly before I found my way. That’s no exaggeration!
Keep showing up and fueling yourself first. Like they say on an airplane: put your oxygen mask on first, so that you can then help others. You’re meant to race, to win, and to thrive. You were designed with talents and curiosities, and you’re meant to explore and create beautiful things. You’re meant to succeed. I mean that, and I hope you believe it, too.
Cheering you on, friends!
- Tags: Personal Stories