"Quinn is MIA!" Where have I been? Rolling into 2025!

Hello, friends!
I’ve taken a roller coaster ride into the new year, anyone else? Haha! 😆 Sharing here to reflect, and connect with you as we roll into 2025. Life has been a whirlwind of moving parts lately—new projects, growing teams, and the nurturing of my beautiful family. Modern motherhood moment: No one told me saying goodbye to adult kids after holidays isn't very fun, and I’m already missing them. 🤍
If you’ve noticed me being a bit quieter on social media, it’s because the excitement of what’s ahead has pulled my attention.
In a recent meeting, one of my teammates lovingly described my work life and said, “Quinn manages a merry-go-round.” Picture a playground carousel spinning with a dozen colorful projects, all going ahead at once. She described how I keep things moving with a smile, and it struck me how perfectly that analogy of a merry-go-round fit.
But let me share a story that gives that merry-go-round a deeper meaning. Years ago, I lost my aunt in a tragic and unexpected way. She was that auntie who was so full of life in every way. That loss shook me to my core, and I vowed in the aftermath to live the hell out of my life for me and for her. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t waste a single talent, a single day, or a single ounce of love. I would refuse bitterness, lean into joy, accept people and situations quickly and play the hand I’ve been dealt with everything I’ve got.
That promise shapes everything I do. It’s why I dive into creative ventures, juggle responsibilities, and pour my heart into my family and my work. It’s why I strive to use every bit of the time I’ve been given.
So what are the details??
I’m excited to share that my team and I are bringing Mane Janes, a new salon concept with a fresh, cutting-edge business model to Holland, Michigan, and we couldn’t be more excited. This salon will be a unique culture for both clients and independent stylists along the lakeshore. You can read more about the Mane Janes code right here.
One of the creative projects I’m devoting my time to is a Quinnessentials planner—now this is one of my true labors of love. It’s gone through a few prototypes, and while it’s not yet perfect, I’m committed to making it everything that you, as mothers, entrepreneurs, and creatives, deserve. I want it to embody the essence of the Quinnessentials brand—a tool that’s stunning, functional, and truly reflective of the lives we lead.
So here’s a little peek behind the scenes. Yes, it is a merry-go-round, but what a beautiful ride it is! Stay tuned because there are exciting plot twists ahead. I love hearing from you, slide into my Instagram DMs @quinn.vise—they’re always open!
Let’s live the hell out of our lives,
🤍 Quinn
- Tags: Modern Motherhood